Valuable resource for healthcare professionals: Not only in India but worldwide, as it addresses the comprehensive spectrum of clinical and procedural skills. • Useful for students and seasoned practitioners alike: Offering a step-by-step approach to each certifiable competency. • Covers a wide range of skills: From assessing vital signs to performing complex surgical procedures. • Provides clear and detailed guidance on domains: Learning objectives, background knowledge, teaching-learning strategies, assessment methods, and references for each skill module. • Well-organized: With each certifiable competency effectively presented, and it includes relevant tables and charts, enhancing the reader’s experience. • Incorporation of videos: Produced by Era University, which are characterized by clarity, brevity, and accessibility. • Dedicated and committed authors: Who have contributed their knowledge and experience to its creation. • Emphasizes that clinical and procedural skills are not just technical abilities but also a bridge that connects healthcare professionals to their patients, underlining the importance of empathy, integrity, and ethical standards in healthcare practice. • Encourages students: To write reflections on their learning experiences, facilitating feedback and improvements in teaching and learning strategies.